THRIVE not survive.
Business-orientated brand and strategy consultancy for ambitious and progressive organisations.

A discreet, C-level service for leadership teams and private equity.

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What (do I do)?

Thomsett&Partners are solely brand definition and strategy specialists - taking most projects from research stage through to brand definition or brand playbook stage. Most brand agencies undertake a form of ‘discovery’ or brand consultancy simply to cross-sell future work for their creative studio. We are entirely impartial. We are highly qualified, enormously experienced and deliver really tight brand definitions totally aligned to your business strategy. This then drives improved business performance and ultimately business value.

Our work can then be used as the foundation to brief your existing creative or web agencies in the confident knowledge that your brand’s definition (it’s ‘foundations’) has perfect fit to your marketplace. Creative expression can takeover, with surety.

“I engaged Richard and his company twice to work on brand identification and positioning for Benfield Group ahead of its IPO and Gallagher Re (following its creation as a new reinsurance intermediary). Richard led the strategic thinking on both projects. His ability to translate ‘branding’ to reinsurance brokers and make it meaningful to them in the context of our business was impressive and invaluable in getting traction internally. He also made sure that we didn’t just follow the path of least resistance and compromise for the sake of an easy life.

I would wholeheartedly recommend Richard to work alongside organisations that recognise the power of a brand as part of their business strategy.”
— Alison Burgess ACIM, Global Sales Operations Director, Aon

Who for?

For the most visionary and ambitious CEOs/Leadership Teams of complex, mid-market organisations (and their investors) seeking to use brand as business tool to identify and drive new stakeholder value during growth or internationalisation strategies, M&A, divestments, turnarounds, vital change programmes, or in preparation for future investor events.

  • Supporting organisations to identify their vision and values to deliver their strategy

  • Realigning your culture from waste to value creation: world-leading cultural measurement and transformation

  • Renewing your competitive advantage

  • Repositioning your brand to own a niche for improved price leverage and higher EV multiples

  • For M&A - maximising the value and reducing risk to capital for both UK and cross-border acquisitions

  • Pre-deal due diligence and post-deal integration

  • Managing your change programme to deliver optimal shareholder value and minimise resistance

“Richard is the person to turn to when you need to dig deep to extract and action the maximum competitive advantage. He’s fast, effective and relentless.”
— Michael Froud, Water & Bioenergy Project Development & Infrastructure Investor




Supporting leadership teams to define new Vision and Strategy and to realign organisational culture behind the new business objectives


Value Creation for Mergers & Acquisitions

Maximising value following M&A through the discovery of new, realisable Value Points in acquired or merged businesses. Ensuring that total is greater than the sum of its parts (beyond ordinary cost synergies)


Renewed Competitive Advantage

Renewing competitive edge where this has been lost by identifying true advantages and through change programmes for distressed business turnarounds. Supporting private equity / investors to increase the speed of business improvement in their investments


Brand (re)Definitions

Hard nosed, business approach to renewed brand definitions: from voice- of-the-customer research through to new brand creative platform. To support a new strategy, new market orientation, divestment, M&A, major Change programme or impaired competitive advantage


Due Diligence

Focusing on market attractiveness, competitive advantage and cultural compatibility to minimise deal risk and accelerate value creation on acquisition


Cultural Management

Understanding the gap between your current culture and your strategic plan for the future. Gap analysis covers clear, actionable quantitative and qualitative cultural measurement that informs a Cultural Evolution Plan


20+ years experience in helping clients identify and execute on positive, market-focused value-creation programmes. Supporting CEOs/Leadership teams to see through the opaqueness of change, during M&A or when market opportunities appear limiting. The objective is singular - to identify true and realisable value-creation opportunities. Working at the intersection of business strategy, organisational branding and change management, Thomsett&Partners brings a very clear agenda focused on creating stakeholder and shareholder value, accelerate growth, renew competitive advantage and drive change.

Creating value through convergence of three business disciplines: Strategy, Brand and Change Management.

Creating value through convergence of three business disciplines: Strategy, Brand and Change Management.

“Richard worked closely with myself and the Senior Management Team to develop a strategic vision and change plan to deliver a successful future. Richard’s objective, insightful and definitive style was a true ‘change-agent’ for us and one which ultimately enabled us, in no small part, to conclude the company’s acquisition and now focus on our next stage of innovation and growth.

If you’re looking to ‘scale to sale’, find your purpose, or simply need some clarity of thought, or even a company-wide cultural ‘uplift’, I could not recommend Richard more highly.”
— Carl Grieves, CEO, Silverbear (market leader in Microsoft technologies in the membership sector)
Thomsett&Partners are one of the very few consulting firms who really understand the UK legal sector and the complexities of a Partnership, adding significant value to our Firm. Richard was instrumental in helping us take an objective and quantitative view of our own internal culture and also to see our own Firm in the context of the trends in the wider marketplace. Using his Competitive Advantage Framework Model he took our business on a concise 160-day journey from primary research, illuminating strategic options for our Partners, before building out the final Five Year Strategic Plan and finally supporting the Change Plan. He is highly commercial, intelligent, tenacious and experienced.
— John Banister, CEO & Equity Partner


Interested in a confidential, straight-forward conversation about Value Creation in your organisation?

+44 (0)7710 38 55 34