Value Creation
Working at the intersection of business strategy, business branding and change management, Thomsett&Partners brings a clear, straight-talking agenda focused to creating stakeholder and shareholder value, accelerating growth, renewing competitive advantage and driving desired change.
Don’t settle for less…
Too often, the apparently disparate disciplines of strategy, branding and change have operated in silos and without synergy. In fact, the opposite should be true - and we’ve proved it many times. The end result is:
Enhanced enterprise value
Clear, communicable, market focused strategies that all assets (people, IP, tangible) can rally behind
A 360° brand optimally positioned in the market
Faster journeys to reach strategic goals
An aligned and empowered 21st century workforce culture that understands exactly where the Firm is going and how they can contribute
Click and turn sound on to hear OVIVO Plc’s experience of uniting two listed enterprises of over 40 globally dispersed business units, 3,200 staff and 37 brands - using brand and change management to drive value in M&A
Creating value through convergence of three business disciplines: Strategy, Brand and Change Management.
True, hard-nosed business branding defines an organisation’s optimal Vision, culture, positioning, Purpose and peak competitive advantage. This has a direct (and market-led) bearing on the Strategy. In turn, a really strong brand definition defines the gap between the current culture and that which is required to take the organisation on its journey.
Using a bespoked version of the world leading Prosci methodology for the people side of Change management to ensure the new competitive advantage and organisational changes are implemented and inbedded with maximum efficiency and buy-in.
Often, we are asked to advise independently or as part of a transformation team to contribute toward the development of a new strategy, plan the refining the organisational and market-facing brand and build a change plan to support execution of the strategy.
Typical Examples
Research + Competitive Advantage Framework Model
Fast, efficient process to ensure the optimum competitive advantage is (re)discovered and a market-led strategy defined. 4-week process usually concludes by integrating into client’s pre-existing or in-progress strategic planning. Proven multiples times to release new shareholder and stakeholder value. Also used in distressed businesses.
Identify Value Opportunities for C-Suite
Investigatory process to identify new value points within portfolios of products or acquired companies. Typically used during buy-and-build plans or as part of post-deal value-realisation strategies.
100-Day Plan to Drive Value incl. Organisational Brand Alignment Model is appropriate
Good strategy is nothing without an organisation being committed to execute on it. 100-day Change plan including cultural measurement to realign your people assets behind your business strategy to bridge gap between strategy and execution.