About Thomsett&Partners



Based in London and operating across all borders, Thomsett&Partners is run by Richard Thomsett, a consultant, independent Director, and clear, First Principles thinker. Richard has been a pioneer for releasing the market and value-creation potential within organisations for over 20 years - through the intersection of three inter-dependent disciplines: business strategy, organisational branding and change management. Leaders from public and private organisations such as Deutsche Borse Group, Nuffield Health, Benfield Group, GKN, Met Office, Countrywide plc, Unilever Ventures, Kleiner Perkins and Berlitz Language Schools have sought pragmatic, actionable advice over the years.

Offering a highly discreet, C-level service for leadership teams and private equity, Thomsett&Partners allows fast mobilisation of expert advice and execution (where required). Some C-Suite leaders require highly confidential due diligence or a low-visibility sounding board. Some need clear, concise objectivity to see their own strategy from a market and organisational culture perspective. Others prefer an agnostic, expert voice to be an active member of the transformation team. Use the form below to book an open, confidential discussion.

Profile: Richard Thomsett


Born in the 1960s, in the same year the word “clone” was first coined and the Butterfly Effect is published. All by coincidence.

1980’s Did the middle-class university thing, studying Politics, History and Economics of Europe without inkling that Brexit would one day make it relevant. First European student ever to be granted a multi-entry visa between East and West Berlin (as then was). Studied German at Berlin’s Humboldt University and travelled daily across checkpoints. Proved useful when, many years later, I had to convince a resister-to-change to lead a post-merger integration group in China - turned out, the person in question had escaped over the Berlin wall, and had told very few people in his life.

1990s: Progressed through various hedonistic 90’s marketing agencies before hating the lack of expertise and morals in agency life. Couldn’t face wearing 90’s shoulder pads.

Decided then to challenge the norm and set up my own agency - the way I wanted to do business. First client Mars Confectionery working on fast track product development. Began life-long relationship with chocolate and met wife (separately). Following in-depth research period, undertook my first integration of 20+ businesses across Europe, using branding as a tool to unite diverse cultures behind a single unifying idea and growth strategy. Discovered the models I had previously created could add tangible enterprise value but could be refined and process rolled out worldwide for client (join venture between Brambles and GKN).

Early 2000’s: Founded Brand Architects with a Vision to establish the intersection of strategy, branding and change management as a valued business tool. Strategy was to increase enterprise value by owning a niche specialising improving the post- deal performance of mergers and acquisitions. But still convinced that others were probably better so went back to basics to study Change Management (Prosci/ADKAR), a Masters in Marketing/Branding (Kingston University) and Leading Organisational Change (MIT). Added professional qualifications in being a non-executive Director at Cranfield.

2000’s: Moved our 20-strong growing team of researchers, consultants, creatives and technologists to new base in London’s Covent Garden and began a decade of international travel undertaking M&A related projects. Consistently achieved top-quartile growth and profitability, outperforming the major international brand agencies. Learned many hard business lessons using my own money. But always kept to two key Values (i) do the Right Thing and (ii) empower others to do the same.

Undertook major strategy-branding-change projects:

  • 2002-8: value accretion for Benfield Group from enterprise value of £342m through post merger integration of US competitor and onto £579m IPO and subsequent £844m sale to AON

  • 2006-12: creation of portfolio of pioneering consumer job board brands from early innovation days as ‘venture’ spin-out from Reed Elsevier through to creation of the UK’s largest hiring platform (Totaljobs) with revenues moving from zero to £45m. Moved onto re-integrate the Reed Elsevier’s New Scientist brand back into the main publishing business and launch internationally in USA and India as part of new expansion strategy.

  • 2007/8: Repositioning of world’s leading nuclear decontamination firm in preparation for sale by RWE to Advent International (prviate equity) for £120m and then onto Vinci of France plus Integration of UK’s Atomic Energy Authority, followed by organisational brand re-alignment.

  • 2008/9: Visionary strategy to transform Nuffield Hospitals into a £800m whole-of-life holistic health group (Nuffield Health) including acquisition of Cannons Gyms, various corporate wellness and muscular-skeletal entities to become UK’s largest healthcare charity.

  • 2009/10 merging two European/Canadian PLCs with bold vision to create world’s first truly integrated $1bn specialist water business. Listed on Toronto stock exchange

  • 2009-2014 turnaround strategy for Countrywide Plc from near zero value through to £1bn IPO

  • 2013-14 part of transformation team in Hamburg and California technology merger for Kleiner Perkins private equity and ultimate trade sale as part of exit strategy

  • 2014-2015: Supporting the UK’s leading national meteorological service - the Met Office - in its counter-cultural transition toward greater commercialisation. Worked with CEO’s office to create new Vision plus subsequent change management programme. Extraordinary but little understood scientific/technology organisation with daily impact on national security, human life, commercial organisations, consumer lifestyles and leader in climate change science.

… and many smaller, but no less important, innovation businesses in technology, health, and professional services.

Mid-teens 2000’s: Finally exited the main creative business when I realised my kids knew virtually all our clients’ first names. Realised being a Dad is more important, none too early.

2016 Time off for good behaviour. Lunch.

2017 onwards: Re-energised, and with an 18-month research and learning under my belt, realised that I still had the same passion to see the unlocking of potential within companies - but as an adviser 100% of the time, and no longer as a CEO.

Took up various independent advisory roles and using evil powers for good with a few third-sector organisations and now do much better work for professional services firms, law firms, M&A, private equity and directly for Visionary leaders in the dynamic mid-market. Still pursuing the same Vision and still proving it works. Highlights …so far….

  • Portfolio analysis and departmental Vision for the €2bn data division of Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Deutsche Borse Group)

  • Development of 160-day strategy-through-to-execution programme for Wiggin LLP, the UK’s leading law firm in the delta between Media, Technology and Entertainment, working closely with CEO and Operating Board

  • Turnaround using (i) Competitive Advantage Framework Model and (ii) financial modelling for Microsoft systems integrator. Successful sale to venture capital fund creating a roll-up strategy

  • Define how Identity and Access Management specialist could own their niche, leading to increase in multiple in preparation for investment from private equity

  • Post-merger integration advice for 5-year buy and build strategy in technology sector (confidential at this time)

The advocacy for branding as a hard-nosed business tool continues….

Value Creation Enquiry

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+44 (0)7710 38 55 34