Services for CEOs and Leadership Teams


CEO/Leadership Teams

Offering a highly discreet, C-level service for leadership teams and private equity, Thomsett&Partners allows fast mobilisation of expert advice and execution (where required).

Mergers or Acquisitions

1+1≥3 Designed to mitigate the 70% risk of failure, plus maximise value creation, once the cost synergies and cross-selling are complete

  • Pre-deal cultural and portfolio compatibility

  • Pre-deal planning for post-deal integration of culture and brand architecture

  • Optimise the competitive advantage of the newly united organisation (using the Competitive Advantage Framework Model) including primary research

  • Discovery of unrealised value opportunities, particularly in terms of untapped market segments and product portfolios

  • Vision development to unite the group behind a singular organising idea

  • Post-merger integration, using Organisational Brand Alignment Model to ensure all people and IP assets are aligned to the corporate strategy


Renew Competitive Advantage

Often utilised for businesses struggling to maintain competitive advantage in context of changing marketplace, or in business-turnarounds. Utilises proven Competitive Advantage Framework Model, proven to deliver real shareholder and stakeholder value:

  • Voice of the customer research to understand market attitudes to allow organisation to see itself from the outside in, dispelling self-made myths

  • Core competency framework to help leadership extract the core business strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities

  • Trends research – identify gap between market trends and current core competencie

  • Cultural assessments to understand dynamics of organisation, what is holding it back and what value can be released quickly

  • Development of new market-led turnaround strategy, bringing all workstreams together into one value creation strategy. Includes financial modelling where required.


Organisational Brand Development to Drive Change


Proven technique to transition a culture from a state where myths, legends and waste can become commonplace to one which is aligned to deliver real value creation.

  • World leading quantitative and qualiaitve research. Real facts to inform leadership

  • Identification of the organisation’s critical success factors in its future strategy that the culture can contribute toward

  • Clear, pragmatic methodology to define how the culture needs to evolve to deliver critical success factors

  • Change programme using bespoked Prosci Change planning to ensure the culture evolves towards its value creation goals

  • Utilised many times across multiple international cultures, organisational culture, departmental cultures, vocational cultures, cross-generational cultures etc. to great affect.

Value Creation Enquiry

Interested in a confidential, straight forward conversation about Value Creation in your organisation?

+44 (0)7710 38 55 34